Although all links are susceptible to tampering, a legitimate Highway link would always have:

  • gov.sg domain for the link that cannot be tampered with

  • A "Singapore Government Agency Website" banner to ensure legitimacy

What file types are allowed?

We currently support uploading of these following file types below.

Documents: ‘doc’,‘docx’,‘ppt’,‘pptx’,‘xls’,‘xlsx’,‘csv’,‘pdf’,‘rtf’

Images: ‘bmp’,‘png’,‘gif’, ‘jpeg’,‘jpg’,‘svg’, ‘tif’, ‘tiff’,

Videos: ‘mpeg’, ‘mpg’,‘wmv’,‘avi’

Audio: ‘m4a’, ‘mp3’, ‘wav’

Others: 'asc','cer','csv','dot','dxf','ent','htm','html','log','mpp','msg','mso','odb','odf','odg','odp','ods','odt','p7m','gno','p7s','pcx','pot','pps','ppsx','psd','pub','rtf','sxc','sxd','sxi','sxw','tar','txt','vcf','vsd','xml', 'zip'

Yes, this is possible. That said, submission links have expiry dates. If your submission link has expired, please contact the agency officer that created the link to recreate it for you to submit files.

What are the file size limits?

File size limit is up to 100mb per file.

I can't find an answer to my question. Where can I get further assistance?

Please contact our team through this form: https://go.gov.sg/highway-user-support

Last updated