👀Viewing Submissions

How do I view submitted files on Highway?

1. To view the submitted files, navigate to your collection and click on the submission link you created.

2. The files submitted by your recipient should show up here. Click on the green download icon in each row to download the files you wish to download. Alternatively, click on the download button at the top to download all files submitted through the submission link.

3. There will be a popup for you to upload your collection's secret key. Paste the secret key in the fields and click on "Download files".

How long do submitted files stay on Highway?

On 1st Nov 2023, we will release the file expiry feature. Your files beyond 90 days from the submission link expiry date will be automatically deleted.

  • This policy ensures the security and integrity of your data.

  • To ensure that your files are not deleted on Highway, please edit the expiry date of your submission links. Once files are deleted, there is no way to access deleted files.

  • We recommend setting reminders for file management and maintaining local backups for important data.

Last updated